Tough Talk Radio Network

House Talk Radio - Ask Doss



House Talk Radio with Host Tony & Wendy Gambone with Special Guest Bobby Bryant: The conception of a BIG idea.This idea, that we could improve the real estate industry began during the dawn of the 2008 recession. We believed that something different than what has happened in this industry for the last 100 years, that we could build something special to radically evolve the way people search and transact property, and that we could successfully lower transactional cost for buyers and sellers without sacrificing the quality of service. These collective ideas and with a team that’s obsessed about solving these problems, DOSS was created. At DOSS, we believe that we can create a Digital Brokerage that leverages the best technology to make homeownership in America more affordable. The real estate industry is the most antiquated, expensive, and fragmented industry in the world. With all of the technological advancements that have benefited the real estate industry, most of its practitioners collectively re