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Fermented foods and the proven link between gut and brain health with author Jill Ciciarelli #32



Hey Sauerkraut fans! (Silence). Actually I love sauerkraut, and confess I am a bit of a fermented foods geek although I've never plucked up the courage to DIY at home. But whatever you think of it, there is a very good reason for fermenting, and it is not necessarily to introduce some tasty healthy recipes into our diet. Although it does that too. It’s because an increasing body of research suggests that fermented foods can influence not just our gut health, but our brain health as well. The gut-brain link comes up again! In a recent study researchers at UCLA demonstrated that daily consumption of a fermented product containing five different strains of probiotic bacteria actually changed the brain’s emotional response to various stimuli, as measured on an advanced brain imaging thingamijig! In other words, putting more fermented good stuff into your tummy can have a major impact on your high performance levels, and change how your brain works. Jill Ciciarelli is the owner of First Comes Health, a certified h