Moonlight Audio Theatre




The Saint - "the Robin Hood of modern crime" and star of scores of books, TV shows, movies, and also a well-remembered radio series - is Project Audion's latest radio recreation. Vincent Price was urbanely brilliant as Simon Templar on the radio, but he only came to the show in 1947. The first series aired in 1945 with Edgar Barrier, and no recordings exist. Project Audion's vintage script of the episode "The Million Dollar Day" was only the 4th-ever episode. This Saint has sidekicks! We were also lucky to speak with Saint expert Ian Dickerson in England for a pre-show interview, and doubly lucky to locate a still-working SONOVOX (and experienced operator Ken Justiss) to recreate the once-famous sound effect of the "Bromo-Seltzer Train." Our transcontinental transcription recording session was challenged by electrical storms and some camera glitches, but we pulled it off! Our cast includes: THE SAINT: Les Marsden, CA HOPPY/JANITOR: Pete Lutz, TX PATRICIA: Rhiannon McAfee, CA MONTEIRO: Dana Gonsalves, TX KUZE