Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 505



On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Coronation Street shown in the UK between the 10th and the 14th January (Episodes #10531 - 10536). Bit of a shorter podcast from us this week, it turned out. Not that that is was a particularly bad week or anything; it's just when it came down to chatting about the episodes, we didn't end up having very much to say! Yeah, having your kid go missing must be pretty awful, right? Hmm, they're definitely still putting things in place for Tim to be accused of having an affair with Aggie, aren't they? The Zeedan story... is that *really* still going? Sure, Joseph was admittedly extremely cute, there were a few lovely character focused scenes with Jenny, Amy on her crusade was fantastic and Shona in the Kabin certainly has potential, but yeah... Let's hope next week has a bit more to get our blood pumping! There wasn't even very much in the way of Corrie news this week either, so we decided to give The Kabin a swerve, but there's always time for listener feedbac