Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

January Angel Reading



Have you noticed that time seems to be speeding up? Our lives seem to be passing by in a whirlwind and it feels like we need to stop to notice the beauty, the joy and the peace that surrounds us. As I was tuning into the theme for the year ahead the word that kept coming up was - Quietude. I’ll explain what that means and I’ll also touch on the numerology of 2022 and it’s significance in this episode. I’ll also be sharing: - The theme for January and how we can work with it for our benefit. - Intuitive messages and guidance for the month ahead. - Astrological dates for the month and their meaning. - Angel cards and their messages for January. And lots more! My hope is that it will support you to have the most wonderful, aligned month ahead. Enjoy and have a wonderful holiday season and many blessings for the New Year. Namaste, Sandra P.S. Here’s the link for The Healing Meditations Bundle I mentioned in the episode: