St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

Avent Reflection - A Constancy Of Purpose



A Constancy of Purpose “Skin had hope, that's what skin does. Heals over the scarred place, makes a road.” ~ Naomi Shihab Nye (from 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East.) I write to you in the early hours of the morning. This predawn, primordial time of darkness is rich with free form creativity. The canvas is wide open, the clay shapeless, and the open page blank. I enter the quiet with reverence and cherish this sacred time of being. Here, I sit within the chambers of The Heart. There is an untethered simplicity to be discovered in the in between spaces, for this is Holy ground. Most times there is the temptation is to peddle faster because our agendas are overfull and everything is spinning faster. This is where I struggle especially at this time of year. Yet, we need moments of pause, free from clutter's noise and distraction to listen and nurture our spirits. We know that when we continue on in overdrive, we become more susceptible to the ill effects of stress and the accompanying anxiety