Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

"George Floyd Memory Hijacked by Antifa Riots & Middle East Updates



It is amazing how the Coronavirus has suddenly taken a backseat and all fear is tossed aside when the riots and looting begin.  So much for "social distancing" unless that is now simply a term that measures how far away you can be to put a brick through a business unrelated to the incident in Minnesota.  Mr. Floyd deserved better, and so do the citizens in all the states where Antifa and their minions seem to have staged "planned protests" by out of state professional instigators whose actions overwhelm the local peaceful protesters who simply want him to be remembered and honored, and for change to occur.  A world without God looks exactly like what it is becoming, and unfortunately, it will likely get much worse.  The seeds of discord were planted when the leader of a former administration assured us that "fundamental change was coming to America."  And so it has.  Wars n Rumors of wars.dBut we, as believers, have the assurance that our God has not, does not, and will not chang