Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

The Wiles of the Devil -Roger Oakland



Are we not in "The Evil Day"According to the Bible ... the major battle mankind faces is not in flesh and blood but instead is against beings from an unseen spiritual dimension. The Bible also tells us that Satan is the master planner of this deception and that he has a number of clever schemes to deceive the whole world—believers and unbelievers.In Wiles of the Devil: End-Times Deception in the World and the Church, Roger Oakland unmasks Satan's most effective plans in operation today, deceiving billions of people from not believing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Further, he shows how even Christians have been influenced by Satan's clever schemes to make them ineffective in these last days.This message provides a wake-up call to our present generation to turn away from the "wiles of the devil" and to turn back to God's Word, which is a light unto our path."Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  Put on the whole armour of God, that