Tough Talk Radio Network

Tough Talk Christian Radio - Shifting Your Mindset



Tough Talk Christian Radio with Host Tony Gambone with Special Guest Dawn Apuan: Dawn Apuan is a mindset & business coach who gives women the tools and support needed to find faith in themselves and live a life of purpose. Dawn inspires women to live abundant lives filled with peace and happiness, and spreads her message that stress & busyness is a choice – and so is joy. Dawn, a former pastor and Non-profit Executive Director, uses her compassion and expertise to guide women through her signature FAITH framework 1:1 business and mindset coaching program.  Dawn is available to speak on topics related to personal development and entrepreneurship. Dawn hit rock bottom after pouring my heart and soul into pastoral ministry, only to be told I was a failure based on stats that didn’t measure up.Crushed, I did what seemed logical at the time: learn new skills that could provide an income for my family so I could resign.  An ordained pastor by day, I spent my evenings studying websites, copy, marketing, so