My Voice With Dara & Friends

Men...Take Off The Mask



"He wears a masks and his face grows to fit it"~George OrwellSensitivity is not a quality men want to be know for... Strong, fighter, masculine, & touch all the terms that come to mind as descriptive words.Soft, caring, sweet, sensitive, all are great qualities to have as a human in general, but to be called this as a man is an insult. WHY?, That is the question.Ryan G. & Antonio join me to have a much needed conversation about men and the masks they were. We skim the surface over some Crown & White Merlot. Please join the discussion by positing your comments on IG @MYvoicePodcast or below in the comments section.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, RATE, LIKE, SHARE, & FOLLOW.Instagram @MyVoicePodcast & @Dara_AyanaFacebook @myvoicewithdaraWordPress: myvoicewithdara.wordpress.comTwitter @MyVoicePodcastPODCAST NOW Available to listen on:GOOGLE PLAY MUSIC, SOUNDCLOUD, APPLE PODCAST