Gucci Podcast




为庆祝古驰《原典》展览,可持续文化顾问叶晓薇受邀与独立撰稿人徐小喵共同作客古驰播客,两人的对谈内容由叶晓薇为展览所撰写的文章《丰饶循环》展开。她们共同回溯创作总监亚力山卓·米开理过往六年的形象大片,并以独特的循环视角进行诠释与解读。古驰《原典》展览以重温与探索过往六年的诗意冒险之旅为题,跨越艺术、音乐、当代城市与理想幻境的灵动瞬间,让多媒体感官体验引领观者沉浸品牌兼收并蓄的独特创想之中。 To celebrate the Gucci Garden Archetypes exhibition, Shaway Yeh, sustainability and culture advisor, spoke to independent writer Jessica Xu about ‘Abundance of Cycle,’ the article Shaway wrote for the catalogue of the exhibition.The exhibition itself is a multi-sensory space journeying through time as well as out of it, exploring the diverse inspirations and archetypes that range from art and music to modern metropolises and utopian worlds.