Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 23: Response to a Notice of Noncompliant Supplemental Examination Request



Question: How can a patent owner file a corrected request in response to a Notice of Noncompliant Supplemental Examination Request? Answer: The patent owner has one opportunity to file a corrected request in response to a Notice of Noncompliant Supplemental Examination Request. If the corrected request is compliant with filing date requirements, the Office will grant the corrected request a filing date as of its receipt date. If the correct fees were already paid, the fees do not have to be resubmitted with the corrected request. A corrected request may be filed via the Office’s electronic filing system or in… The post MPEP Q & A 23: Response to a Notice of Noncompliant Supplemental Examination Request appeared first on Patent Education Series.