
Mark Gevisser and Jonny Steinberg: The Granta Podcast, Ep. 74



In the latest Granta podcast, Mark Gevisser and Jonny Steinberg discuss recent South African history, their personal relationship to Johannesburg, and their personal relationship to a divided city. Mark Gevisser is the author of 'A Legacy of Liberation: Thabo Mbeki and the Future of the South African Dream', published by Palgrave Macmillan in the UK, and by Jonathan Ball in South Africa under the title, 'Thabo Mbeki: The Dream Deferred'. His latest book, 'Dispatcher', is published by Granta. Jonny Steinberg is the author of several books about South Africa's transition to democracy. His next book, 'A Man of Good Hope', will be published in January 2015. He teaches African Studies and Criminology at the University of Oxford.‘Johannesburg is such an enormously contradictory place, it’s a place of great fear it’s a place of high walls and electric fences, and yet it is also a place of wall-lessness in such profound ways… it is a very mercurial place, it’s of great fea