St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

An Instrument Of Your Love



“And who does not want to be treated with Love?” Mary Southard CSJ Artist Mary Southard CSJ As part of Values Integration, the use of sacred text is a way to grow in our ability to express on the outside of the values we hold deeply on the inside. When we take in and fully absorb the words of a particular sacred text, those words literally become a part of us. Here are three pieces of sacred text to practice taking in the power of the words with the intention of having our actions be an outward expression of those words. “Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” From The Prayer of St. Francis “Let your love flow outward through the universe, a limitless love that is without hatred or enmity.” From the Buddhist Sutta Nipata Discourse on Goodwill “O God, increase light within me and give me light and illuminate me.” From Mohmmad’s Prayer of Light I read something recently that made me want to take it deep