Early Accountability

EAP 89: Moving in Silence



On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi gets a bit more personal on the topic of stepping out on faith, describing a journey she has been going through for the past several months. It became clear to Kimi earlier this year that she needed to adjust how she works and what that could practically look like. While there are plenty of times for community and collaboration in making big and small decisions, she felt that this journey was meant to be taken alone. By taking the time to process internally what she has been thinking and feeling about the future of her work, she has been able to get grounded, evaluate what has and hasn’t worked in the past, and grow personally. This process of self-discovery and self-affirmation has brought her to a great place where she feels confident with her decisions about the future rather than potentially being swayed by the opinions of others if she had shared her plans sooner. Seeking out counsel from trusted advisors before making a move certainly has its