Early Accountability

EAP 106: Cheers to Two Years - Three Past Guest Level Up & Launch Their Own Podcast



This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is a continuation of the 2nd Anniversary celebration. During this episode, Kimi talks about the journey that led her to start her podcast in 2018, starting with a project through her Mastermind group at the time. She was challenged by this group and her mentor Amanda Miller Littlejohn to pursue starting a podcast, and while it has not always been an easy endeavor, two years after that first episode was launched, Kimi is so grateful for that early encouragement and accountability that brought the podcast to light. This journey has solidified in Kimi the desire to pay it forward and pass along whatever knowledge and wisdom she can to others who want to use podcasting as their platform to deliver their message. She has seen time and time again the positive impact that pouring into others can have in all aspects of life, and podcasting is no different. Kimi has talked with many of her previous guests about launching podcasts and her conversations with 3 of those p