Early Accountability

EAP 127: Planning a Social Distancing Staycation



On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi talks about how the continuing COVID-19 quarantine as well as the recent public outcry about racial injustice in the U.S. and many people being without work has created a perfect storm necessitating a time of pausing to reflect, refresh, and restart. While most people are not able to travel to take traditional vacations, Kimi outlines a few specific things you can do to set yourself up for a “staycation” to accomplish just that. 1.Make time for it – Schedule a day or more for your staycation and stick to your commitment. If things come up, treat them as you would if you were truly out of town on vacation. 2.Find a format that works for you – If you are going to camp in your backyard, make sure you have all of your materials ahead of time. Arrange childcare if necessary to give you some focused time to recharge. If you had to cancel a trip this summer, create a theme night or event for yourself featuring the cuisine or activities you would have had on