Early Accountability

EAP 132: Pandemic-Proof Your Finances



Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Jonathan Bolton, a financial and investment advisor with Wilson Wealth. It is safe to say that the events of 2020 have come as a shock to everyone, and many people have found themselves falling on hard times due to the pandemic itself, job losses, unexpected expenses, and emotional stress. Jonathan is here to share with us some good ideas for reviewing, analyzing, and adjusting our finances to ensure that we are in a better spot financially if and when another pandemic-like event takes place. 1.Save and invest more – While many people say that an emergency fund of 3-6 months is sufficient, COVID-19 has proven that it is probably better to have a 12-month emergency fund. Jonathan recommends having 2 months of cash accessible in savings and 10 months in a brokerage account as an investment that is still pretty liquid. 2.Reevaluate your needs and wants – Take a hard look at your expenses and ask yourself if they are necessary or frivolous. If you