Early Accountability

EAP 152: This IS NOT (a Good) Accountability Circle



In conclusion of our conversation from last week, Kimi talks during this episode about what accountability partners and groups are NOT: •They are not a substitute for therapy – Be clear about what you need from your accountability circle and draw the line at things that belong in another environment. This can be difficult if you are working one-on-one with someone on accountability for a certain aspect of your life and you start opening up about other things that are going on. Don’t be afraid to reach out for professional counseling or help. •They are not a dumping ground for all of your problems – Remember that you are not the only one with problems in the group, so don’t monopolize the group’s time complaining or making excuses. Rising above your circumstances and choosing to put in the work to make yourself better is half the battle. •They are not supposed to involve dragging, pleading, or begging others to show up – If you or someone else in the group is not showing up or not putting in the work, this