Dame It All To Hell

Women Are Equal But Not Equal



Women can do anything men can do, including trek across Antarctica. The Ice Maiden team, six women from the British army, did just that.The Button! surfaced sexism by the Chicago Tribune regarding one of the five women running to be mayor of Chicago. The social media headline on a piece about Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza read, "If Boss Madigan and Rahm Emanuel conceived a daughter, she’d be Susana Mendoza." As Chicago Sun-Times columnist Laura Washington puts it, "To portray an accomplished, savvy woman with 20 years in politics as the Frankenstein monster love child of two men is as sexist as it gets."This leads to a larger discussion: Even though times are changing, some men still credit women's successes to the men they've known and compare everything women do to how a man would do it. As evidence, Kelly shares the story about a progressive man who couldn't seem to speak of a colleague in anything but pronouns and asks the question, "Is a deeply internalized sexism bubbling to the surface now that o