Dame It All To Hell

Baby, It's Cold (and Stormy) Outside



Join the Dames for their last episode of 2018! They are fully invested in the holiday season and ready to spread some holiday cheer.Our Dames begin by discussing Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump. They speculate about whether a sitting president will go after a pornstar for money awarded to him in court. Kelly and Tracy mutually agree that at this point Donald Trump is practically bulletproof. Aaaannnnd...this is where all agreement in this episode ceases.Harvey Weinstein’s newest move in the courts to get a sexual assault case dismissed kicks off the Dames’ disagreement. Tracy poses the question that if people f*@# up do we allow them to change and come back to function in society? Kelly is quick to suggest that their place in society should be limited to a host position at TGIF. Things continue to get heated when they talk about the classic (misogynist?) holiday song, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” What is the true meaning behind the song; is it about a girl just wanting to get laid or a man trying the rape her? F