Dame It All To Hell

Can't Read My *Resting Bitch Face*



This is an exciting week on the show as The Dames are stepping up their game and re-launching their brand. Make sure to check out all of our new stuff on social media!Can You Tell Someone They Have Resting Bitch Face?Resting bitch face has The Dames up in arms. Apparently, some women are having “grin lifts” done to fix their resting bitch face. The Dames agree that this is an extension of the sexist expectation on women to look and act a certain way. It drives Kelly bananas and Tracy, while she claims to have an epic resting bitch face, thinks that people just need to stop telling women how their faces look.Diversity Issues at Prestigious Paul, Weiss Law FirmIntentionality is something that is lacking from elite law firms and new partner class. The Dames discuss how there is a lack of women partners in law firms and, when they do exist, they are given the generally “womanly” roles. Why can’t men plan cocktail parties? NYC Restaurant Nello Cutting Back on Call Girls?The Button this week revolves around a resta