Dame It All To Hell

Criminal Justice Fail



Tracy & Kelly are on a serious note with this episode.A Victim Fights BackThe Dames dive into a highly publicized sexual assault case they believe was not handled properly by the courts. A D.C.-area woman was assaulted while on a run but the man who committed the crime got off with a misdemeanor charge, 10 days in jail (at his convenience), and probation. When the woman found out her attacker was not complying with his sentence, she took things into her own hands and publicized his behavior. The Dames examine how the criminal justice system failed her and the injustice surrounding the entire case.Perceived Pain Between Girls & BoysGender bias beginning at an early age is the topic of The Button. A study conducted to determine how people perceive pain experienced by boys versus girls concluded that stereotypes begin at an early age. The Dames discuss (but don’t entirely agree on) what that means for gender bias.Nevada Makes HistoryWay to go Nevada, the first state in US History to have women holding th