Dame It All To Hell

The Saga of Bitchy Bosses



Anthony Weiner is Out of PrisonAnthony Weiner has been released from prison after just 15 months in. The Dames are all over this. Weiner was originally locked up for sexting various women, including a 15-year-old girl. The Dames question the severity of the punishment in comparison to the crime and they explore the balance between encouraging young girls to have a positive relationship with their body without influencing their mind. The Oscars Broke Records The Oscars broke records this year. A record number of women (15 total) won awards including the first African American woman to win in Costume Design. The Dames give praise to the overly positive speeches on behalf of the winners and agree that the Oscars had a different feel to them this year.  The Button: The Dames Discuss “Bitchy Bosses”The Button in this week's episode revolves around the idea that women bosses are more bitchy. There is an expectation in the workplace that a woman should be a “doer” but with more empathy than their male counterparts.