Dame It All To Hell

Life As A Modern Mom



We Need Men’s Help to End Toxic MasculinityToday’s episode beings with one of our Dames favorite topics, toxic masculinity. The Dames mull over having good men on the side of women feminists. Surprisingly, they both agree that it can be beneficial to females and possibly help men break down toxic masculinity at the same time.Life as a Modern MomThe Dames chat with guests Bethany Johnson and Margaret M. Quinlan about their book, You’re Doing It Wrong!: Mothering, Media and Medical Expertise. Their book is rooted in the journey of motherhood from conception to early toddler and how many outside influences are at work on women and mothers in today’s world. The Dames and the authors touch on a variety of ideas from the book like how women of today are similar to those from the Victorian Era. They also discuss the amount of access women have in today's world but their inability to utilize it all due to varying constraints.The Button: Woman Cyclist Stopped in RaceThe Button this week stars a cycling race in Belgium