Dame It All To Hell

Beto O’Money & Conway Tweeting



Beto Breaks a RecordThe Dames kick this episode off with Beto and the record amount of money the middle-aged, white guy was able to raise in the first 24-hour period after he announced his run for the presidency. Kelly and Tracy know that anyone believes they can run for the presidency in this day in age, but how sexist is it that men raise the most money and get the best media attention? It seems women must prove themselves qualified to be president and men don’t.The Button: Boys Club at the Grand CanyonThis week’s Button centers on an openly gay female superintendent who was appointed head of the park rangers at the Grand Canyon. You guessed it...the men she oversaw wanted her out and ultimately filed a complaint. Even though an investigation eventually cleared her, she ultimately resigned. You might be surprised by how Tracy and Kelly react.#MeToo on Wall StreetOn Wall Street, #MeToo is often overshadowed by he-said, she-said situations. The Dames explore the workplace consequences of consensual and forced