Dame It All To Hell

Apologies and Agreements



Feminism IdeologiesThe Dames discuss the evolution of feminism. They talk about how feminism should not be considered progressivism in this day and age. Both Dames agree that women in high corporate positions need to be celebrated despite their ideology. One Dame admits that maybe she needs to rethink arguments that she chooses on behalf of feminism and why she does it.The Button! Moore Ridiculous SexismThis week’s The Button! segment is about Steven Moore saying that women do not have a place in sports. He states that women should not be referees, or even sell concessions! The Dames ponder if this comment he made is satirical in nature or if it is really a view that he holds.Gender Sacrifices and ExpectationsThe Dames present an article that speaks about millennials going into marriages without having expectations of gender roles. They explore both sides - having gender roles versus not. Marriages always have push and pull but where does the benefit of sharing things in the household lie and where do the pre