Collections By Michelle Brown

Collection by Michelle Brown wsg Ishi Shakula on 10/24/21 Rally in Arbor



What would it mean to codify Roe vs Wade? Is it time we stop this fight for reproductive rights and pass a law that would affirm a pregnant person’s right to an abortion without undue interference? In May, one of nation’s strictest abortion measures, banning procedure as early as six weeks into a pregnancy was signed into law in Texas and opened the door for almost any private citizen to sue abortion providers and others. Women across the country raised their voices in protest over this latest attack on their bodies and prepared for the coming battle in the courts to defend Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision establishing a constitutional right to the procedure. With the current number of conservative-leaning justices sitting on the supreme court the possibility that the decision might be overruled is very, very real. On Sunday, October 24th there will be a rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan to protest the recent passing of Senate Bill 8 in Texas and an abortion case being on the upcoming Supreme Court dock