Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 489



On our latest podcast, we chat about the episodes of Coronation Street broadcast in the UK between the 20th and the 24th September (Episodes #10434 - 10439). Ooh, this week's Corrie certainly got fans riled up, didn't it? If you were on social media on Wednesday night, you'll have no doubt seen the furore caused by Freda's kidnapping of Aled in an attempt to prevent him getting his cochlear implants. We kick off the Street Talk segment of the show by weighing in with our thoughts on this issue - as we had quite a strong reaction to those eps too! When Freda wasn't barricading herself in community centres this week, she was saying goodbye to Norris, whose funeral took place on Friday. Before the episodes aired, we were somewhat concerned that they wouldn't get the tone right, especially after pictures of Mary in her Princess Leia outfit surfaced. Were we left disappointed, or did we find it a fitting tribute to a legacy character? Tune in to find out! Up next on the podcast, we take a stroll past the decapit