Podcasting Step By Step

The 3 Ways to Grow Your Podcast Audience



Do you ever feel like the rest of the world knows a secret that you don't about growing an audience? Like when you're in a Facebook Group and someone humble brags that they just started their podcast and already have 100,000,000 downloads (this statement is usually followed by the online equivalent of Bambi blinking his eyes all innocent-like and saying, "I don't know, is that good?") And then you start to feel crummy. “What am I doing wrong?”    You’re not doing anything wrong. It takes time to build your audience, but some podcasters start out with a larger following because they’ve built one up on their blog or social media or maybe they are a celebrity of some kind.    Also, some podcast categories will always have a bigger audience than others. True crime and comedy will always have more downloads than an obscure hobby podcast.   Having said all that, we all want to grow our audience, and in this episode, I break down the three ways to do that.    But let’s jump to the spoiler: T