Podcasting Step By Step

Going Global: How to Speak to an International Podcast Audience



After you’ve been podcasting for a few months, you’re going to start attracting a global audience.   How you communicate with them can make or break your relationship, and on Podcasting Step by StepI talk about the three things you need to do to nurture a show that grows beyond your borders. *** Live Online Training: Podcast Interview Perfection    Does this sound like you?   You started your podcast to show up as a leader, but now you worry your interviews make you look like an awkward robot.    Breaking the ice with online guests you’ve never met feels forced.   Your conversations sound like job interviews. The kind that make people nervous.   If you feel sick before an interview and pray the guest cancels last-minute so you don’t have to do it, congratulations on being a totally normal human being.    Most of us aren’t born with amazing interview capabilities. It’s a skill we learn.   And developing your interview skills is essential if you want your podcast to portray you as both an expert in your field,