Rainbow Valley

Episode 008 - Hits and Headlines of 1961



    Rainbow Valley is a monthly podcast where your host, Scott takes a look at key events and personalities that shaped one the most influential, vibrant, tumultuous and swinging decades in history. Join us as we celebrate the 1960’s with the stories surrounding the music and news events of the decade that shook the world.     The 1960s was a decade that would prove itself to be one of the most culturally significant decades of all time. And now looking back, it’s probably quite safe to say that it was an important ten years from a worldwide political point of view with events that would shake the world almost to its very core. One year , particularly important to the story of the sixties was 1961. It was a year that would divide countries, events would take place that would lay the foundations for potential global nuclear destruction and see the first man escape the confines of the earth’s atmosphere. The so called  permissive society would poke its head further over the parapet , the space race would pick