Deer Hunt - Big Buck Registry - Fueled By Treestand Wingman

136 GEM CEASAR - 17, Deer Hunting Louisiana, and Swamp Bottom Media



It all started with an 8 megapixel camera and a flock of blackbirds. A good job and some savings later, Gem was on his way to purchase better video capture equipment for all of Gem's deer hunting, duck hunting, turkey hunting, or whatever Gem decides to hunt. Whatever is game may be, one thing is for sure, Gem's camera work is outstanding. He thinks of every hunting set in two ways, how can I get the shot (for the kill) and how can I get the shot (for the camera). And, oh by the way, he's only 17 years old. Gem takes us on a deer hunt in Louisiana and gives us a forecast of where he wants to take his career (after he's done with his homework). Jim Keller's Deer News: Missouri Deer Season Ends with a 270,000 Deer Kill North Carolina New Poacher Turn-In Program Wisconsin Record Broken- New Archery Record Shed Season Season is Right Around the Corner Family Attacked by Deer, Rescued HERE'S WHAT WE DISCUSS: Punxsutawney Phil An 8 Megapixel Camera and Some Blackbirds A Job at the Ranch and Some Savings for a Ne