Moonlight Audio Theatre




RISE AND SHINE (SCI-FI / DARK COMEDY) LANGUAGE Policies, do not listen to the Outsider or Dissenter, who may tell you that your commute to work in the morning is unpleasant!  With HartLife, all elements of the work-day experience have been finely crafted to encourage employee satisfaction, synergistic excellence, and above all, maximum productivity.  Truly: who could not appreciate the gentle, warming lightrise as the daytime illumination slowly comes online?  The clean, cool feel of the recirculated air, pumping gently through your tunnels?  The first whiff of Algae-based coffee beverages, distributed at a compact, efficient kiosk in your PeopleMover station?  But wait- who is that behind the kiosk desk?  Find out, as the story of Our Fair City continues. Hartlife Studios