Happy Hour Podcast With Dee And Shannon

HHP 079 Declutter for less stress



It is possible to reduce stress and increase productivity by decluttering! Research backs this up! The Journal of Current Psychology has published studies showing the negative impacts of clutter. It causes “life dissatisfaction” and can “negatively impact our mental wellbeing”. Clutter also increases cortisol, the stress hormone, and is linked to greater procrastination (anyone else feel like putting shit off cause there is just too much crap around? If not, me either, was just asking for a friend…).    In this podcast, we discuss the concept of decluttering.  Dee really embraces the de-cluttered life. She says, “I’m by no means a minimalist, but I really try to not accumulate stuff.” She continues to explain that the research is so true in her life: “I agree with all those facts - and I feel it tenfold! I feel the negative impacts so strongly, that it’s practically debilitating to me. If I can’t find an outfit, and I make my closet a huge mess, I literally cannot go to sleep until it’s cleaned up. If there a