Happy Hour Podcast With Dee And Shannon

HHP 083 Raising kind girls in a mean world



We love to hear from our listeners when they leave reviews, but we also love to hear what issues and questions they’re dealing with. Recently, we got this note from one of our listeners:    “My daughter is 8 and is struggling with a girl in her class. I would love a podcast about raising girls in this day and age. I try my damndest to give her the tools to ignore the mean girls and be a leader... I would love to hear other bad ass women talk about raising nice, kind, and authentic girls.”    Check out the conversation we had with our guest, Rachel Weinstock, on this topic.  For more info check out the full blog post here.  Thank you to our sponsor Activated Faith Candles.   About our guest: Rachel holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts and a Bachelor of Education. In addition, she has spent over a decade studying public speaking, storytelling, improvisational acting, red-nose clowning, dance, and life-coaching. Rachel has been teaching both locally and Internationally for 15 years+ and was awarded the James W. Fair