Happy Hour Podcast With Dee And Shannon

HHP 094 Top 3 issues woman face physically and mentally



Hey guys! I am over the moon excited to share this talk with you that I had with my dear friend Sue. Long ago, Sue and I shared kick-butt workout sessions at 5 AM in my garage before I moved to California. I miss her so much and am so happy to share her knowledge with you today.    Sue is a nurse practitioner who has been treating women for over 20 years. She’s worked in family practice, the ER/ICU, oncology, cardiopulmonary, and OB/GYN. I think one of the things that really sets her apart from other health care providers is that she really listens to patients and pieces together a total wellness picture based on lifestyle along with science.    I thought it would be interesting to find out what are the top three concerns that women bring to her from a physician’s point of view. Then I’d like to share the top three I’ve observed as a mental health professional. Check out the full blog here: https://mindbodycomplete.com/the-top-3-issues…lly-and-mentally/