Moonlight Audio Theatre

ASK ANSWERGIRL Ep 11 of 11 - Is That Your Final Answer



Ask Answergirl is a unique eleven-part collaborative audio drama experience created by Central Michigan University College of the Arts and Media faculty and students. Each episode contains a mini-mystery designed to invite listeners to use their ears – and their brains – to solve the case before Zina.  But don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees and miss the far bigger mystery bubbling beneath the surface of the bucolic CPSU campus. Appropriate for listeners of all ages. IN THIS EPISODE: It's a race against the clock as Zina works to unmask her cyberstalker in time to help Jordan expose the shady dealings of Dean Tukeva. Will Answergirl get the answers she's been looking for? Will the Pathfinder crew wind up with a big scoop, or even more problems? “By day, Zina Roberts is The Pathfinder’s advice columnist Answergirl, but by night --- actually she turns in pretty early, because during the day she’s also Compass Point State University’s secret weapon against cheating and honor code violations. What will