Key Conversations

112: Michael Whalen Interview



 The brilliant Emmy Winning Michael Whalen discusses artistry, scheduling, balancing wearing MANY hats and, his key focus currently: the philosophy of monetization. What does powerful scheduling really mean and how can it support you in your music career? Quotable goodness: "Performance is a product of action." - Michael WhalenMichael talks about being a film composer and getting gigs, working with directors, and choosing the right gig for you. Growing your reputation through being authentic to what work you want do. The conversation turns to creativity in arranging, and then rounds off with Michaels current focus, monetization. It’s a new philosophy where rather than protecting copyright, the artists need to let go and let their music be heard to the masses in whatever medium possible.MX4 Participants Interviewing: Jenna Burke, Brad Roseborough, Lauren (SenoritAwesome)Links Mentioned:Michael Whalen WebsiteLandmark EducationSupport the show (