St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

1.19.21 - Universal Prayer Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. *See description for today's Prayer*



1-19-2021 Universal Prayer in Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. Good morning and welcome, Liz Wessel here, and as we gather together, taking a moment out of our busy lives let us share in a brief time of prayer and peacefulness. Resist the temptation to multi-task and instead offer the gift of your loving presence to this community. Find a sitting position that allows you to be alert—and also relaxed. Close your eyes and rest your hands in an easy, effortless way. Ring the chime: Allow your awareness to scan through your body and, wherever possible, soften and release obvious areas of physical tension. Because we so easily get lost in thoughts, let’s begin with attention to the breath. Using the breath as a primary anchor of mindfulness helps quiet the mind so that you can be awake to the changing stream of life that moves through you. (Tara Brach) God of our understanding, we come to you in these quiet moments, seeking that which is beyond ourselves. In this sacred space; we join in solidarity in