St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

3.2.21 - Universal Prayer For Self Reflection



Good morning, fellow caregivers this is Liz Wessel and it is my honor to share in this time of reflective prayer with you in our little community of mutual support and caring. We all come with a wealth of experience and wisdom and diverse backgrounds. It is our diversity that adds to the richness and beauty of our lives. Being together in community and sharing in a few minutes of intentional prayer strengthens us. Our heartfelt intentions multiply and carry far and wide, rippling out in boundless ways, beyond our ever knowing to bless others in unforeseen ways. So, thank you for bringing your healing energies to this moment to heal others and to be healed in the process. Healing is what we do, each and every day, especially when we bring our wholeheartedness into whatever we are doing, in our family life and work life, regardless of the task at hand, when we approach our work in a conscious and intentional manner it opens us to the scaredness that exists in all things. So, let us settle in to a comfortab