St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

3.9.21 Universal Prayer & Reflection Love Of Neighbor (Please see Description for Prayer)



3-9-2021 Universal Prayer & Reflection: Love of Neighbor Good morning, this is Liz Wessel and thank you for joining in prayer and communion as we journey together. We begin by centering ourselves and settling into a comfortable position. I invite you to close your eyes and focus your awareness of your breathing. Together we take 3 deep breaths, one to come as you are, two to welcome whatever emotions you may feel. Perhaps feelings of peace, happiness or sadness, anxiety and stress. Offer even these unwanted guests’ hospitality and say yes, that these too belong. You may wish to place your hand over your heart and offer loving kindness for yourself and to all who are gathered here today. Ring the bell To the God of our understanding, the spirit with whom we gather this morning – we ask that our minds be open, our hearts welcoming, and our arms embracing to our dear neighbor. (adapted Chrystal Hogan) Take a moment to reflect in the spirit of prayer for loved ones, our neighbors near and far who need our