St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

3.30.21 - Universal Prayer Offering- An Instrument of Your Peace (See Description for Reflection)



3-31-2021 Universal Prayer Offering- An Instrument of Your Peace I invite you to take a few deep breaths...if you feel comfortable, with your eyes closed...and to just slow we begin to catch up to ourselves... Ring the chime… Let's set out our intentions for this short time of prayerful reflection. I invite you to offer them right now and hold them in your heart. Let us remember that a God of love, mercy, and already among us...with us...for us...around us and within us... Using your hands, find & feel the pulse on your neck...take a few moments until you feel those life-proving beats...And once you’ve located that pulse, let's humbly acknowledge a God of miracles and give thanks for this day... for the sacred elements that give us life, earth, air, water, sun, and to our Creator for another day of life. Let us also remember the words that pass through this area of our bodies and that our words can breathe dignity into our community...Our words are powerful... may we "never