St. Joseph Health, Home Care Services

Mission Moment: Prayers for those who are grieving, Prayers for the people of Afghanistan



Prayers for those who are grieving, prayers for the people of Afghanistan Lord God, many of us are in a state of worry for our families, our friends, our colleagues, our communities, our nation, and our world. We ask for your Presence to be made clearly amongst us. Be with us as we acknowledge our individual and collective grief in solidarity with the families, and communities of our fallen soldiers, those who have lost their lives, grieving families, and all those who are trying to flee to safety. We rely on the strength of You, our Creator. We ask for Your comfort upon those who have lost loved ones. May the wilderness of this time & the uncertainty we may feel, strengthen our resolve to lean on Your word, abide in Your presence, and be guided by Your enduring and powerful Spirit. You have been with us in every age and will remain our refuge, knowing that we are not alone walking this journey. Let us recall the calming of the storm by Your hand. Let us today and in the days ahead lean on Your strength and r