The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

TSE 1182: How To NOT Ruin Relationships When Selling To Friends



How to Not Ruin Relationships When Selling to Friends  Have you ever wondered how to not ruin relationships when selling to friends? This can be difficult because you would still want to keep the relationship even when they’ve said no.  This isn’t a unique struggle, it’s common to most salespeople. Perhaps the products could be beneficial to your friend or family so you want them to try it. You have a moral obligation to at least explain some ways to fix their problem without turning it into something bigger.  Solve the true problem  Assess whether what you have is truly a solution to their problem. You can’t sell a car to your friends when they already have one that is running in perfect condition. Even when you’ve told them about the new features of the car you’re selling, they’re not going to get one because they have a good car that runs just fine. What you presented to them isn’t a solution because there wasn’t a problem in the first place.  It is important for you to seek out whether there is a problem