Russell Investments

Value of an advisor, Part 1: Active rebalancing and behavioral coaching



Description:Join Sophie Antal Gilbert, Head of Business Solutions at Russell Investments, Tina Downing, Senior Director & Lead of Business Coaching at Russell Investments and Tom Flynn, Senior Regional Director at Russell Investments, as they talk about the value advisors deliver to clients.  Disclosure: Interviews were recorded as of the date mentioned in the podcast, these views are subject to change at any time without notice based upon market or other conditions and are current as of that date. It is made available on an "as is" basis. Russell Investments and Russell Investments Canada Limited does not make any warranty or representation regarding the information. While all material is deemed to be reliable, accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed.This is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation to purchase any security or the services of any organization. Investing in capital markets involves risk, principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee the stated outcomes in the prese