Leigh Martinuzzi

609 Book Reflection - The Ultimate Life Map: Greater Freedom, Fulfilment & Happiness



The Ultimate Life Map The Ultimate Life Map is now up for pre-order. I’ve been working on this baby for some time now and am excited to getting it published. What does it mean to live The Ultimate Life? The answer to that question is an individual one. And so is your life! I wrote this book in efforts to scratch my own itch. To figure life out. As I look around me I see so much suffering, hardship, depression, dissatisfaction and unhappiness. I felt the same way in my own life.  So, I had to ask WHY? For too long I sat on the edge of my seat teasing myself with my deepest dreams and desires yet I did nothing about it.  I had to wake up!  I don't want to sleep through this existence. I don't want to live with regret.  In this book I share you my story. My transformational journey. In it I provide the blueprint and the tools that you can use to map out and live your Ultimate Life. I will show you how to define your WHY – or purpose. I will guide you in the creation of your Life Compass. I will ex