Leigh Martinuzzi

986 Shannon Hayes - Redefining Rich



Redefining Rich In our dysfunctional economy, “success” often comes at great personal cost . . . we’re tired, we’re stressed out, and we have no time for family and friends. It’s time to redefine “rich.” Perhaps there is need to redefine what a "rich life" looks and feels like to you. Shannon and her family have done it and she is here to share her story with you today. Pick up a copy of Shannon's book Redefining Rich: Achieving True Wealth with Small Business, Side Hustles, and Smart Living here. Guest Bio. Shannon Hayes operates Sap Bush Hollow Farm, Cafe & Vacation Lodging in the Catskill mountains of New York State with three generations of her family. She is the host of The Hearth of Sap Bush Hollow podcast and author of several books, including The Grassfed Gourmet, Radical Homemakers, and forthcoming Redefining Rich: Achieving True Wealth with Small Business, Side Hustles, and Smart Living. You can learn more about her life and business at sapbush.com, or follow her on Instagram @sapbushshannon.