Leigh Martinuzzi

1003 Lee McIntyre - How to Talk to a Science Denier



How to Talk to a Science Denier “Climate change is a hoax—and so is coronavirus.” “Vaccines are bad for you.” These days, many of our fellow citizens reject scientific expertise and prefer ideology to facts. They are not merely uninformed—they are misinformed. In my interview with Lee, we discuss science denial as a whole. Not only how to talk to people who disagree with science but insights into the differences into what's true and whatnot, what science and whats note, what's fake news and what's not and more importantly how this information is being communicated and why often doubt is created. Guest Bio. Lee McIntyre is a Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University. He is the author of Dark Ages: The Case for a Science of Human Behavior, Post-Truth, and The Scientific Attitude: Defending Science from Denial, Fraud, and Pseudoscience, all published by the MIT Press.