The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Recover And Move On After A Breakup - TCW68



Let's say you wake up after the nightmare of a divorce or bad breakup. The rest of the world is the same, but somehow you're...different. If you can relate, so can I...along with this episode's co-host, Ben Adams. Hold on and get ready for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT kind of show this time around. You see, Ben is the author of Six Months To Get A Life. This is no self-help book, but rather a novel about moving on after divorce. Better yet, it's flat-out HILARIOUS. Truth be told, Ben just went through a pretty gnarly divorce of his own so LOTS of what he writes about hits close to home. Let's just say you can count on us to throw all the craziest aspects of moving on after divorce out on the table. That includes (among other things) dealing with exes, unsolicited opinions from teenage offspring and mistaken identity on blind dates. Pour yourself a cold one and enjoy this show, it's got more than its fair share of laughs. As always, if you're not yet getting the daily newsletter jam-packed with valuable tips and hac